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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 9 hours and 37 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: September 29, 2015
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
At university when I was studying modern Chinese history, I always shunned history books with their bare, empty facts and their clinical indifference to what's written inside them. In my opinion. history is best told in stories of the people who live through it, so I did most of my research through autobiographies. I came to this book with the expectation of doing much the same - of reading someone's story and learning more about North Korea and what life is still like for the people living there. What I didn't expect was the level of depth and meaning in the story inside.I watched Ms Park's One Young World speech (and cried along with her), and I was expecting the book to be emotional, and in particular I was looking forward to the parts when she was reunited with her family members. It wasn't emotional - but after I'd finished the book and realised it wasn't, it made perfect sense. We are taken step by step through someone's quest to survive. The lengths she's had to go through, and someone who has been starving for half her life, repeatedly raped, brutalised, lost people dear to her, and seen awful, awful things (hopefully she has managed to overcome her initial indifference to the idea of counselling!), there's too much to cope with to even know where to begin addressing any emotions.It would be disingenuous for the writer to have made this an emotional book; Ms Park hardly had time or energy for emotions. Every moment she was either trying to survive herself or trying to help her family members. There was no excess energy to be used for anything except whatever she needed to do to make it through the obstacles she was facing. And, boy, did she have to do a lot of awful things in order to survive. It takes a special type of strength to be able to be honest about the awful things that have happened to you - in particular being trafficked and raped - and I know deciding to tell that story must have been a difficult one. I don't know if she's going to read her reviews, but if she does, I want to thank her for her courage.I started reading this book at 8pm last night and I'm writing this review at 3:28am - I couldn't put it down. I watched the One Young World speech a few minutes ago again and cried (again). Ms Park talks about her desire to free North Koreans, or even to convince the Chinese government to stop persecuting North Korean Refugees who managed to escape. From the way her strength of spirit just bleeds out of the words on every page of this book, I have no doubt she will succeed.
I actually read this book in one sitting. It's a gripping story that tells of the horror of life in North Korea and what one incredible girl most do in order to save herself and her family. You wont be able to put it down. Highly recommended.
Don't get me wrong, what every other reviewer here says is true. This is a remarkable story. But it's incredibly brutal, and in a completely dispassionate way. There is a total lack of Western victim psychology here...everything is completely matter of fact and pragmatic. Makes for a very clear read, but it's different than the heavy drama I'm used to in accounts like this. It's kind of worse in a way.This entire book is liable to piss you off, but I was infuriated by the forced indoctrination and slut-shaming heaped on her by the Christian missionaries who were supposed to (and eventually did) help her. She was 14, and they initially told her they wouldn't help her because she was a sinner for having been sold into prostitution. I just...ugh.This is one seriously tough girl. It's amazing how sweet and demure she seems in real life. After all this you'd almost expect her to look like some kind of war hero.
I lived along the DMZ in Korea in 1969-1970 and have been interested in the two Koreas since then. This is a great story told by an extraordinary person. It's one of those books that you cannot put down once you start reading it.
This book is divided into three parts depicting Yeonmi' s family's life in North Korea, Yeonmi and her mother's time in China, and then their life in South Korea. Thank-you, for writing this book, even though it was so hard to dig into and remember such pain. I saw how people in North Korea are oppressed and brutalized, starved and brainwashed. I saw how China cooperates with North Korea in returning captured refugees because they want North Korea as an ally and a buffer, yet they do business with South Korea. It appears that South Korea isn't willing to make waves with China in order to help North Korea refugees? Yet I commend South Korea for taking in the refugees, once they can get to South Korea. Who says extreme vetting of refugees is not possible? South Korea proves that it can be done! The third part about Yeonmi' s transition to South Korean culture shows the culture shock she went through, even though Korea has only been divided by about 60 years. They are such different cultures, now. I wish I knew a way to help North Korean refugees....
I first learned about Yeonmi Park through a viral video of her giving a speech at the One Young World Summit 2014. At the time, I did not realize what that moment meant for her, and even though her speech was a brief recount of her struggle to find freedom, it was enough to resonate with me... So much that I could not stop thinking about the situation in North Korea and the torturous journey that many defectors must make to escape.When I heard that Yeonmi had been writing a memoir to recite in detail her difficult journey, I knew that I wanted to have it. Because her speech at One Young World Summit had left me speechless and in tears, I wanted to understand her entire story. But I was in for one heck of an emotional roller coaster ride.From cover to cover, this book would not let go of my attention. It is such an easy read, and by that, I mean that it flows so well! I felt as though I was right there in her stories beside her, and through her vivid descriptions, I learned what life was like for a person of her stature. There were moments where I would beam and giggle at her heartwarming memories, and others where I would cry because life was just so inconceivably difficult for her and pretty much every North Korean.To say the least, I highly recommend this book. For the first time, Yeonmi bravely reveals her entire journey to freedom, leaving no truth untold. You will smile, you will cry, you will feel her desperate hunger for freedom, and you will want to stand by her in her fight for justice.
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