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1,000 Ideas for Decorating Cupcakes, Cookies & Cakes, by Sandra Salamony
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About the Author
An author of various books on art techniques, home decor, and crafts, Sandra Salamony makes a living as an art director, designer, and artist in Traverse City, Michigan. Her projects and designs have been featured in magazines, books, and on television.Gina M. Brown is an architect and textile artist, living in the Traverse City, Michigan area. She and her sister Sandra Salamony are coauthors of 1000 Artisan Textiles (Quarry Books, 2010).
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Product details
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Quarry Books (November 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592536514
ISBN-13: 978-1592536511
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 1 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds
Average Customer Review:
3.9 out of 5 stars
167 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#158,962 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I was very disappointed in this book. It was simply a book of pictures of VERY complex designs, with no ideas or instructions at all, just pictures of things I could never hope to achieve just by looking at the pictures. Sold it on Ebay to some other sucker, who is probably also disappointed.
I am a pro cake decorator and am always looking for good "inspiration" books. I like a book that I can let a client flip through and talk about what they like and what they don't. I love that the treats presented in the book are from "real" cake decorators like me and not Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes, etc. These are treats anyone would love to have at their event and not over the top, overly sculpted, very spesific cakes.If you are looking for instruction or how-to, this is definitely not the book for you. It is pictures, pictures, pictures, and more pictures. There are no recipes, and there is no instruction. This is an inspiration only book and you can take the ideas and run with them.In short, this is a book that I will keep on my shelf forever, and will be looking for more like it in the future.
Disappointed. No instructions how to create these beautiful masterpieces. No recipes to make them. Just a 1000 pictures to look at and wonder. ðŸ˜ΕΎ
this book only has pictures...very disappointing receipes ,no how to make them... no nothing..just pictures...
This was an interesting journey that surprised me in that, thinking that there might be some tutorials to go along with the photo's, this is instead literally 1000 photographs of cakes and cookies and cupcakes.Within the covers of this paperback book are full-page or half-page or quarter-page photographs of cookies, cakes, and cupcakes that will definitely inspire. Under each photo is the name of the person that created the baked delight. Though some of these credits will be just the names of the decorators, some will have the accompanying website that you can access for further idea's. If you do go to the websites offered, there you will find more photo's along with some beautiful tutorials and/or instruction as well as more information on the decorator. So with a little extra effort, your journey will take you to many parts of the world to learn more on the photo's that piqued your interest. Each photo is full color with wonderful detail.The book is set as such:First there are 5 sections of groupings that showcase each set of pictures and each photo has an accompanying number.Elegant EntertainingBaby and ChildHolidayJust for FunWeddings and EngagementsAfter the above groupings, the next section is "Frosting Recipes" for:Meringue ButtercreamSimple ButtercreamGanancheRoyal Icing2 Recipes for Fondant (as well as amounts needed to cover cakes)GumpasteMarzipanThe next section of the book is labeled "Image Directory" and this is where you look up the number of the photo which is accompanied by a very short description of the baked good, which might include what type of frosting used or cookie cutter, etc.The last section of the book is the "Contributor Directory" which lists each of the bakers and decorators, in alphabetical order, with their websites and contact information.I think that this is a lovely book, especially for beginners, to help your decorating interest but understand that it is not a teaching book. You will have to be more of a detective with this book in that you need to check out the websites offered, which may or may not include specifics, but which will put you in contact with the artists. For those with advanced skills, perhaps you would like to look at other authors/books. Peace.
A feast for your eyes. This is a picture book it shows on a global scale just what can be done with sugar, flavoring & a little water tossed inwith color. The designs run from deceptively simple to quite complex.Check out what the woman in Turkey did with the petit fours -absolutely exquisite !There are no how-to's at the very end there are two recipes - thats it.Normally I wouldn't have paid full price just to look at pictures alonebut in all honesty I bookmarked 70% of the pages and ran out of mylittle tabs long before I was finished cover to cover.Quite a few of the cookies were stamped first then "painted over"with frosting. I don't remember seeing color flow work but it couldbe there. If you don't know the techniques for doing the work thatis done this book will definitely spark your urge to learn how.I highly recommend this book if only to get you motivated to create.The reason I gave it a 4 stars instead of 5 was due to lack of instructionon some of their more intricate patterns. I'd love an encore.
I read the reviews before buying so I knew what to expect. Great photo book full of great ideas and lots of inspiration. One of my favorite things about the photos are that they come from around the world, so it's really interesting to see cake, cookies and cupcakes from other countries such as Mexico, Australia, Italy, South Africa and so on. There were just a few photos that made me think "wow.. how did that make it in".. but all in all - really beautiful work.In the back of the book is an image directory listed by number (each image has a number) that will tell you briefly what the item is made from. For example: "0683 Blue Fish: hand-painted rolled fondant" or "0692 Paisley Party Cake: fondant, piped royal icing, airbrush". There's not a how-to for any of them, however, in the contributor directory, there are website links, by company, that lists all the image numbers contributed by that baker/individual.I would recommend it if you're looking for some creative inspiration.
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